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Pediatric Neurosurgery is a discipline of medicine and the speciality ofneurosurgery which deals with the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment ofdisorders of the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems of children.Pediatric neurological surgery includes the evaluation and diagnosis, operativeand non-operative treatment, critical care and rehabilitation of children withdisorders of the nervous system. Our Broad aim by conducting this session is toencourage the study, Improve the practice and elevate the standards ofPediatric Neurosurgery and therapy to advance the cause of Public Health whichwould be done by the Paediatric neurosurgeons to treat the Children fromNew-born through the teenage years. Paediatric neurosurgeons have a special andlongstanding relationship with their patients.

Neurosurgical oncology is the treatment of patients with both benign andmalignant tumours of the brain, skull, skull base, spine, spinal cord and peripheralnerves. Some of those conditions include Acoustic Neuroma Glioma, Meningioma,Metastatic brain tumour, Neurofibromatosis, Pituitary tumours/skull basetumours, Spine tumours many of which are eventually dangerous andlife-threatening. Under these cases treatment is been considered as the onlyhope to cancer affected individuals which would either cure their problem orextend the time limit possibly two or more. Such type of treatments includesAdjuvant Chemotherapy, Cryotherapy, Craniotomy, Laser therapy. These therapiesmay eventually ray the hope of light to the affected people.

Neuro-Traumatic Injury is a form of acquired brain injury, occurs when asudden trauma causes damage to the brain. Neuro-Traumatic Injury can resultwhen the head suddenly and violently hits an object, or when an object piercesthe skull and enters the brain tissue. Symptoms of this can be mild, moderate,or severe, depending on the extent of the damage to the brain. This suddentrauma cases might also lead to the death of a patient and thus handling careand monitoring the patient is being considered as a major issue according toNeuro-traumatic injuries.

Neuroanaesthesia is one of the specialities under neurosurgery that havecontributed tremendously over the years to neuroscience, yet it remainednon-accredited and supported. Neuro anaesthetic management is different fromgeneral anaesthesia because it can have a major effect on the brain and spinalcord through the control of blood flow, blood pressure and energy consumptionof these organs. Somatosensory Evoked Potential Monitoring (SEP Monitoring) andMotor Evoked Potential Monitoring (MEP monitoring) are used as one of theimportant techniques for treatment in the spinal cord and brain surgeries.

Chronic pain related with tissue injury is termed as neuropathic pain.Neurosurgery plays a huge impact on such neuropathic pain. The impact of nervefibre injury includes a change in nerve function both at the site of injury andareas around the injury. Nerve pressure or nerve damage after surgery or traumaalong with viral infections, cancer, and even vascular malformations,alcoholism, neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis and metabolicconditions such as diabetes are the common cause of neuropathic pain. Peripheralneuropathic pain, central neuropathic pain, or mixed (peripheral and central)neuropathic pain is the three-basic mechanism of neuropathic pain.

Statistics says that 7- 8% of the European population is affected, outof which 5% of patients are severely traumatized. Anti-epileptics,Antidepressants, Opioids, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)and percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) are the few treatmentprocesses for neuropathic pain.

Neuro-Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, (also known as NIDS), is a rare,incurable and potentially fatal disease. NIDS is an intended medicalclassification for illnesses or disorders (that may currently have psychiatricor developmental labels) that are actually caused by a complex neuro-immune, acomplex viral, autoimmune-like illness affecting cognitive and body functionsin children and adults. Some of these diseases are labelled as; Autism,Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), ADD or ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS/CFIDS), as well as other multiple related disorders. Many classicautoimmune diseases may have a treatable NIDS component. The symptoms of NIDSvary and can affect multiple areas of a child's development and overall healthand well-being.

Neuropathology consists largely of examination of biopsy tissue from thebrain and spinal cord to aid in diagnosis of disease. It is an important aspectfor neurosurgery. The subject often confused with neuropathy deals withlaboratory analysis of tissue samples for personalized diagnosis or forensicinvestigations.

Neurological disorder pathogenesis including related neuronal and glialpathology, the Golgi apparatus, RNA-mediated regulation of gene expression, RNAstability, RNA splicing, signal transduction, and the cytoskeleton may comeunder the part of neuropathology. Research subjects on neurology likedevelopmental neurobiology, developmental neuropathology and biology ofpaediatric and adult brain tumours are recent additional.

Robotic or Robot-Assisted Surgery integrates advanced computertechnology with the experience of the skilled surgeons. This technologyprovides the surgeon with a 10x magnified, high-definition, 3D-image of thebody's intricate anatomy. The surgeon uses controls in the console tomanipulate special surgical instruments that are smaller, as well as moreflexible and manoeuvrable than the human hand. The robot replicates thesurgeon's hand movements while minimizing hand tremors. The surgeon thus canoperate with enhanced precision, dexterity and control even during the mostcomplex procedures. Robotic surgery is the recent new advanced technique in thefield of Neurosurgery.

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