Allied Academies

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New Challenges and Advances in Neurology and Neurosurgery

Welcome Message

We are delighted to announce that our forthcoming fortuitous neurology conference, 6th International Congress on Neurology and Neurosurgery, will be broadcast as a Webinar on December 07-08, 2022.

It is our great honor to invite all of you to our illustrious neurology conference, which will be attended by all of the world's luminaries. We believe in providing individuals with the most cutting-edge answers to Neurological Impairments, as we did at our previous event, the 5th World Congress on Neurology and Neurosurgery. Over the course of the year, we were able to establish a strong affinity with our advanced neurological solutions, diagnosis, and Neurosurgery Conference.

Neurosurgery 2022 is your finest chance to connect with the world's largest group of attendees. At this two-day event, you can give presentations, share information, and network with current and future eminent scientists to learn more about neurosurgery, the central nervous system, neuropharmacology, and neurodegenerative disorders, as well as make an impact with new innovations and developments and receive name recognition and certificates signed by our world-class eminent organizing committee. This conference features world-renowned speakers, cutting-edge and cutting-edge techniques, breakthroughs, and the most recent updates in Neurology and Neurosurgery.

Meet and Explore at Webinar and Online sessions.

Organizing Committee | Neurosurgery 2022

About Conference

Attendees, presenters, and exhibitors from all around the world are invited to attend Neurosurgery 2022. We are glad to invite you to participate in and register for our next "6th International Conference on Neurology and Neurosurgery," which will be hosted as a Webinar on December 07-08, 2022.

Neurosurgery 2022 is a multidisciplinary conference with a variety of programmers to choose from in each segment, giving you a unique opportunity to network with peers from industry and academics. We kindly encourage all interested parties to attend our event and help us make it a spectacular and successful success by participating in Neurosurgery 2022.

At Allied Group, we believe in giving our attendees the most exposure possible, so we make sure the event is a mix of professionals from academia and industry, including neurosurgeons, scientists, neurosurgery researchers, academic scientists, and diagnostic laboratory professionals, making the Neurosurgery2022 Virtual Meeting a perfect platform.

Neurosurgery 2022 is an annual meeting of Neurosurgical and Neurological Surgeons as well as committees to discuss the future of the Neurological Disorders in terms of collaboration, structures, organizations, media partners, institutional growth and organizational development.

Neurosurgery 2022 Highlights:

200+ Participation (40% Industry:60% Academia)

9+ Keynote Speakers

30+ Plenary Speakers

3+ Exhibitors

14 Innovative Educational Sessions

B2B Meeting 

Why to attend???

With members from around the world focused on learning about Neurosurgery and its advances; this is your best opportunity to reach the largest assemblage of participants from the Neurological Community. Conduct presentations, distribute information, meet with current and potential scientists, make as plash with new discoveries in the Neurosurgical treatment and diagnosis, and receive name recognition at this 2-day event. World-renowned speakers, the most recent techniques, developments, and the newest updates in the field of Neurosurgery and its various treatments which include Neuroplasticity, Endovascular Techniques, Neuro Physiotherapy, NIDS, Key-hole Brain Surgery, Craniotomy, Neuro-Endoscopy, Neuro-Pharmacology, Neuro-Traumatic Injuries, Treatment for Neuro-Ophthalmologic Disorders, Robotic Neurosurgery are hallmarks of this conference.

Scientific Sessions/Tracks

Session on: Neurology and Neuroscience

Neurology is a branch of medicine dealing with disorders of the nervoussystem. Physicians specializing in the field of neurology are calledneurologists and are trained to diagnose, treat, and manage patients withneurological disorders. Most neurologists are trained to treat and diagnoseadults. Pediatric neurologists, nearly always asubspecialty of pediatrics, treat neurological disease in children.Neurologists are also involved in clinical research, clinical trials, as wellas basic research and translational research. Neurological disorders aredisorders that affect the central nervous system (brain, brain stem andcerebellum), the peripheral nervous system (peripheral nerves - cranial nervesincluded), or the autonomic nervous system (parts of which are located in bothcentral and peripheral nervous system). Neurologists also diagnose and treatsome conditions in the musculoskeletal system.

The Global Burden of Disease study, along with the on goinginternational a collaborative project between WHO, the World Bank and theHarvard School of Public Health, has come up with the evidence that pinpointsneurological disorders are one of the greatest threats to public health.According to the UN report on neurology, 27 February 2007, nearly one in six ofthe world’s population, up to 1 billion people suffer from neurologicaldisorders, from Alzheimer and Parkinson disease,strokes, multiple sclerosis and epilepsy to migraine,brain injuries. By analysing the Global statistics, it is seen thatfifty million people suffer from epilepsy, sixty-two million people suffer fromcerebrovascular disease, three hundred and twenty-six million people sufferfrom migraine, and twenty-four million of the population suffer fromAlzheimer disease and other dementia.

Session on: Neurosurgery

Clinical and surgical examination which deals with the neurologicaltreatment of specific disorders related to the brain, the spinal cord,peripheral nerves, and extra-cranial cerebrovascular the system is termed asneurosurgery. Emergencies like intracranial haemorrhage and neurotrauma arebasically involved in most of the neurosurgery. Intracerebral haemorrhage beingthe main cause of morbidity and mortality results in affecting between 37 000and 52 400 patients annually in the United States. By the year 2020, GlobalInterventional Neurology Market is expected to reach $2,370.4 Million, expectedto have a CAGR of 8.4% from 2015 to 2020. Recent advances in surgical technologyhave meant that the focus of treatment for spinal conditions has progressedtowards the preservation of normal spinal motion and sparing of structuresadjacent to problem areas. Some of the crucial types of neurosurgery includesvascular neurosurgery and endovascular neurosurgery, stereotactic neurosurgery,functional neurosurgery, and epilepsy surgery, brain tumour, oncologicalneurosurgery, skull base surgery, spinal neurosurgery, peripheral nervesurgery.

Session on: Neurodegenerative Disorders

Neurodegeneration, the progressive death of the brain cells, and theprogressive loss of structure or the function of neurons, including the Deathof neurons, is the root cause of dementia. Several neurodegenerative diseasescause dementia, with the most common being Alzheimer`s disease (AD) followed byParkinson’s-Lewy body disease (PD-LBD). Importantly, neurodegenerative brainchanges are also frequently associated with vascular disease of the brain (vascularcognitive impairment [VCI]), making mixed disease common in the ageingpopulation. These diseases are been considered as incurable. But in this recentEra, nothing is been considered as an incurable or an impossible one byresearch. So, as the research approaches many similarities that relate thesediseases to one another at a cellular level, and these similarities offers hopefor therapeutic advances for the treatment of these diseases.

According to the report of the World Health Organization (WHO) onneurology shows that neurological disorders, ranging from epilepsy toAlzheimer’s disease, from stroke to headache, affect up to one billion peopleworldwide. An estimated 6.8 million people die every year as a result ofneurological disorders. There are more than 600 diseases of the nervous system.

Session on: Pediatric Neurosurgery

Pediatric Neurosurgery is a discipline of medicine and the speciality ofneurosurgery which deals with the diagnosis, evaluation and treatment ofdisorders of the central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems of children.Pediatric neurological surgery includes the evaluation and diagnosis, operativeand non-operative treatment, critical care and rehabilitation of children withdisorders of the nervous system. Our Broad aim by conducting this session is toencourage the study, Improve the practice and elevate the standards ofPediatric Neurosurgery and therapy to advance the cause of Public Health whichwould be done by the Paediatric neurosurgeons to treat the Children fromNew-born through the teenage years. Paediatric neurosurgeons have a special andlongstanding relationship with their patients.

Session on: Spinal Neurosurgery

Spinal Neurosurgery is the surgical specialization that treats diseasesand disorders of the spinal cord. Back pain can sometimes produce neurologicalsymptoms such as numbness, muscle weakness, and loss of bowel and bladder controldue to dysfunction at the nerve root. These symptoms are indicators that Spinalneurosurgery is required to treat the underlying cause of back pain as opposedto conservative treatments. Some of these treatments include SpinalDecompression, Spinal Neurofibroma, Disc arthroplasty, Microdiscectomy. Theseadvanced techniques in the Neurosurgical field can help us to cure even thecomplex sort of disorders. Spinal surgery market on neurology has a high chanceof reaching $6.9 billion by 2020. Global spinal surgery devices market isexpected to reach $14.8 billion by 2017, with an estimated yearly growth rateof 5.1% in the next five years and in Europe it is expected to reach $2,993.6million by 2019. Although spinal fusions still hold the largest market share,disc replacements are pushing forward in popularity as they become moreavailable among spine practices. The Millennium Research Group reported thatthe global spinal non-fusion market would surpass $1.6 billion by 2022, nearlytripling in size from just a few years ago.

Session on: Neuro-oncology

Neurosurgical oncology is the treatment of patients with both benign andmalignant tumours of the brain, skull, skull base, spine, spinal cord and peripheralnerves. Some of those conditions include Acoustic Neuroma Glioma, Meningioma,Metastatic brain tumour, Neurofibromatosis, Pituitary tumours/skull basetumours, Spine tumours many of which are eventually dangerous andlife-threatening. Under these cases treatment is been considered as the onlyhope to cancer affected individuals which would either cure their problem orextend the time limit possibly two or more. Such type of treatments includesAdjuvant Chemotherapy, Cryotherapy, Craniotomy, Laser therapy. These therapiesmay eventually ray the hope of light to the affected people.

Session on: Neuro-Traumatic Brain Injury

Neuro-Traumatic Injury is a form of acquired brain injury, occurs when asudden trauma causes damage to the brain. Neuro-Traumatic Injury can resultwhen the head suddenly and violently hits an object, or when an object piercesthe skull and enters the brain tissue. Symptoms of this can be mild, moderate,or severe, depending on the extent of the damage to the brain. This suddentrauma cases might also lead to the death of a patient and thus handling careand monitoring the patient is being considered as a major issue according toNeuro-traumatic injuries.

Related Conferences: 25th International Conference on Neurology &Neuroscience | March 16-17, 2020 Berlin, Germany; 32nd World Congress onNeurology and Neuroscience | March 16-17, 2020 Hong Kong, China; Global ExpertsMeet on Neurology and Neuropsychiatry | March 30-31, 2020 Kyoto, Japan; 18thInternational Conference on Nephrology, Urology and Therapeutics | April 13-14,2020 London, UK; European Meeting on Dementia, Alzheimers and NeurologicalDisorders | May 07-08, 2020 Zagreb, Croatia; 6th International Conference onNeurological Disorders & Stroke | May 11-12, 2020 Rome, Italy | 26th AnnualSummit on Neuroscience & Neurological Disorders | May 18-19, 2020 Osaka,Japan

Session on: Neuro-anaesthesia

Neuroanaesthesia is one of the specialities under neurosurgery that havecontributed tremendously over the years to neuroscience, yet it remainednon-accredited and supported. Neuro anaesthetic management is different fromgeneral anaesthesia because it can have a major effect on the brain and spinalcord through the control of blood flow, blood pressure and energy consumptionof these organs. Somatosensory Evoked Potential Monitoring (SEP Monitoring) andMotor Evoked Potential Monitoring (MEP monitoring) are used as one of theimportant techniques for treatment in the spinal cord and brain surgeries.

Session on: Neuropathic Pain

Chronic pain related with tissue injury is termed as neuropathic pain.Neurosurgery plays a huge impact on such neuropathic pain. The impact of nervefibre injury includes a change in nerve function both at the site of injury andareas around the injury. Nerve pressure or nerve damage after surgery or traumaalong with viral infections, cancer, and even vascular malformations,alcoholism, neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis and metabolicconditions such as diabetes are the common cause of neuropathic pain. Peripheralneuropathic pain, central neuropathic pain, or mixed (peripheral and central)neuropathic pain is the three-basic mechanism of neuropathic pain.

Statistics says that 7- 8% of the European population is affected, outof which 5% of patients are severely traumatized. Anti-epileptics,Antidepressants, Opioids, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS)and percutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (PENS) are the few treatmentprocesses for neuropathic pain.

Session on: Key-hole Brain Surgery

Keyhole Brain surgery is a minimally invasive surgical procedureperformed to remove brain tumours. This procedure allows for the removal of theskull-based tumour through a small incision behind the ear, providing access tothe cerebellum and brainstem. Neurosurgeons may use this approach to reachcertain tumours, such as meningiomas and acoustic neuromas (vestibularschwannomas). These approaches for the treatment of skull-based tumour aretechnically demanding that remains a role for conventional large craniotomy.

Session on: Neuro-endoscopy

Neuro-endoscopy uses small telescopes and high-resolution video camerasto look into the skull, brain and spine. Working with these endoscopes, it isnow possible to perform many microsurgical operations. This minimally invasiveneurosurgery has the distinct advantages of a small incision site and minimaltrauma to the brain or spinal cord, resulting in a shorter hospital stay forpatients and a quicker return to normal activities. In some instances, thesurgery is substantially shorter than traditional surgical approaches, and inmany cases hospitalization and recovery is shortened. In selected cases, laserenergy is used for tumour or cyst surgery. The neuro-endoscopy team in everyorganization are developing new endoscopes and other surgical instruments. Thisconference briefly lists out the various endoscopic techniques in brief.

Session on: NIDS


Neuro-Immuno Deficiency Syndrome, (also known as NIDS), is a rare,incurable and potentially fatal disease. NIDS is an intended medicalclassification for illnesses or disorders (that may currently have psychiatricor developmental labels) that are actually caused by a complex neuro-immune, acomplex viral, autoimmune-like illness affecting cognitive and body functionsin children and adults. Some of these diseases are labelled as; Autism,Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD), ADD or ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(CFS/CFIDS), as well as other multiple related disorders. Many classicautoimmune diseases may have a treatable NIDS component. The symptoms of NIDSvary and can affect multiple areas of a child's development and overall healthand well-being.

Session on: Neuropharmacology

Neuropharmacology is the study of the effects of drugs on the nervoussystem, with the goal of developing compounds that offer therapeutic benefit inhumans with psychiatric and neurological disease. We believe that anunderstanding of a drug’s action requires an integrated knowledge of thecellular and molecular mechanisms by which the drug exerts its effects uponbrain circuitry and ultimately human behaviour. Neuropharmacology is a veryvast field in the area Neurology was treatment is being provided for theneurological disorder patient by the use of Neurotransmitters and Chemicals.

Session on: Neuropathology

Neuropathology consists largely of examination of biopsy tissue from thebrain and spinal cord to aid in diagnosis of disease. It is an important aspectfor neurosurgery. The subject often confused with neuropathy deals withlaboratory analysis of tissue samples for personalized diagnosis or forensicinvestigations.

Neurological disorder pathogenesis including related neuronal and glialpathology, the Golgi apparatus, RNA-mediated regulation of gene expression, RNAstability, RNA splicing, signal transduction, and the cytoskeleton may comeunder the part of neuropathology. Research subjects on neurology likedevelopmental neurobiology, developmental neuropathology and biology ofpaediatric and adult brain tumours are recent additional.

Session on: Robotic Neurosurgery

Robotic or Robot-Assisted Surgery integrates advanced computertechnology with the experience of the skilled surgeons. This technologyprovides the surgeon with a 10x magnified, high-definition, 3D-image of thebody's intricate anatomy. The surgeon uses controls in the console tomanipulate special surgical instruments that are smaller, as well as moreflexible and manoeuvrable than the human hand. The robot replicates thesurgeon's hand movements while minimizing hand tremors. The surgeon thus canoperate with enhanced precision, dexterity and control even during the mostcomplex procedures. Robotic surgery is the recent new advanced technique in thefield of Neurosurgery.

Session on: Novel Therapeutics
Novel therapeutics basically deals with novel treatment strategies liketherapeutic brain (electric and magnetic), tau-based Treatment strategies inneurodegenerative diseases, anti-amyloid therapy, Comprehensive treatment,therapeutic dilemmas in multiple sclerosis and future research directions inbrain disorders. Neurosurgery is such a significant topic that needs to beresearched more for further cure and solution. 

Session on: Advanced Surgical Instruments
In order to help physicians, confirm or rule out the presence of aneurological disorder or other medical condition, diagnostic tests andprocedures are used as vital tools. Worldwide neuromodulator the businessmarket was evaluated at $3.65 Billion in 2015 and estimated to reach $6.20Billion by 2020 with a CAGR of 11.2%. Certain techniques of neurosurgery suchas chorionic villus sampling, pre-symptomatic testing, biomarkers, moleculardiagnostics, neuroimaging and human neuroimaging are commonly used to diagnose.This is in contrast to classical synaptic transmission, in which onepresynaptic neuron is directly influenced by a single postsynaptic partner.Neuromodulators wind up investing a lot of energy in the cerebrospinal fluid(CSF), affecting (or "regulating") the action of a few differentneurons in the cerebrum. Consequently, a few neurotransmitters are likewisethought to be neuromodulators, for example, serotonin and acetylcholine.

Session on: Challenges in Neurosurgery
Neurosurgery is a specialized area of neurology, which is the diagnosisand treatment of diseases and injuries affecting the brain, spinal cord anervous system. Many earn high incomes for their expertise, but such benefitsare accompanied by a number of day-to-day challenges. The daily life ofNeurosurgeons is extremely complex and demanding, with rapidly changing tasksand responsibilities, assessing and diagnosing the patients. Without theseeminent people the field of Neurology and the treatment for the disorderswouldn't be as bright as now.

 Session on: Nursing Care and Nursing Practice for NeuroSurgeries

People who suffer from brain and nervous system disorders are assistedby Neuroscience Nurse. Monitoring neurological exams, administering medicationand consulting physicians on patient progress are some of their duties.Neuroscience Nurses assist neurosurgery and work in diverse, challenging andrewarding environments, such as hospitals, health care clinics, brain injuryunits, and intensive rehabilitation units.

These nursing professionals need to be acknowledged about the diagnostictests as well. CT scans and MRI’s are some of such tests. Neurological nursesalso have the idea of understanding how to read and interpret these tests aswell.

Session on: Parkinson's Diseases  

Parkinsons disease is a dynamic issue that is brought about bydegeneration of nerve cells in the part of the cerebrum called the substantianigra, which controls development. These nerve cells pass on or becomeweakened, losing the capacity to create a significant chemical called dopamine.Studies have indicated that side effects of Parkinsons create in patients witha 80 percent or more prominent loss of dopamine-delivering cells in thesubstantia nigra. Levodopa is frequently viewed as the highest quality level ofParkinsons treatment. Levodopa works by intersection the blood-cerebrumbarrier, the intricate meshwork of fine veins and cells that filter bloodarriving the brain, where it is converted over into dopamine. Bromocriptine,pergolide, pramipexole and ropinirole are prescriptions that copy the job ofchemical dispatchers in the cerebrum, making the neurons respond as they wouldto dopamine.

Market Analysis

Neurosurgery is a branch of medicine which deals with surgical treatment of the nervous system disorders. Neurosurgery is been considered as the process of treatment and diagnosis of all types of disorders related to the peripheral and the central nervous system in all sort of age groups. The nervous system is been considered as the complicated system that regulates and coordinates all our body activities. Neurological practise greatly relies on the act of Neurosurgeons.

Importance and Scope:

The Scope and the importance of Neurosurgery are being increased enormously due to the outcome of a large number of Neurological disorders. The field of Neurology is focusing on the latest advances and their potential impact on the treatment of neurological diseases and disorders. Technological Advancement and Innovation has increased the growth of pharmaceutical industries in the market for the treatment process. Global neuroscience industry demand was worth USD 24.09 Billion in 2013 and is anticipated to reach above USD 30.80 billion by 2021. Rising investment in R&D resulting in the development of numerous products in the Neurosurgery and Neuroinformatic coupled with adequate funding from the government are key factors that drive growth in this market. Increasing occurrence of malicious disorders including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease together with other inherited CNS disorders has resulted in an increased necessity for new improvements in neuroscience industry. The market is expected to experience growth over the forecast period on behalf of growing demand in laboratories and academic centres. The market players aim at introducing unique technologies with the ability to obtain insights to understand better the compound nervous functionalities and neural manipulations.



Need of Neurosurgery: The population increases, the mortality rate across the globe is also being increasing in a large number. Because of this the rate of illness and disorders is being to a great extent. According to Neurological survey rising mortality from mental and Neurological conditions is seen in most of the European countries on Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, Neuromuscular disorders, Epilepsy, CNS infection, and other Cerebrovascular disorders, and because of this, the need for Neurosurgeons increased.


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Research personnel, Academicians, Research institutes, Industrialists and students from the field of Neurosurgery are the key participants who show intense desire in attending the Neurosurgery conference. Conferences based on Neurology and Neurosurgery shows a significantly large number of unique visitors and page views which were proved to be a thriving success. By maintaining each conference's proceedings on its respective conference webpages and on its official social media accounts, Allied expands its frontier. In order to experience the array of speeches, discussions, product exhibitions, and alliances, the international scientific and industrial communities are thus invited.

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To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date December 07-08, 2022
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